| VIDEO | | For the jumper breeder, this impressive stallion has tremendous potential, placing 1st in the jumping portion of the Hannoverian 300 Day Test in 2004 and finishing 8th overall. Until 2008, this magnificent son of Stakkato stood at the Langestutt State Stud in Celle, Germany. He was approved in 2004. At Salito's performance test at Adelheidsdorf in 2004 he was awarded first place in the jumping category out of 42 stallions in his year. Points given were 8 for character, 8 for willingness, 8 for conformation, 7 and 7.67 for rideability, 6 for trot, 7 and 6 for canter, 6 for walk, 9.17 for free jumping, 9.33 for jumping manner, 9 for jumping technique and 9 for cross country. Salito was the 2006 Hannoverian Jumping Champion in Dobrock and continued to impress with admirable results in both the 2006 and 2007 Bundeschampionat. This Hannoverian Jumping Champion of 2006 and winner of countless show jumping competitions in Germany stood at the Landgestut State Stud in Celle. German breeders were impressed by his offspring as winners of free jumping championships and mare performance tests. |
Stakkato | Spartan | Servus | Gottilde | Pia | Pygmalion | Goldfeder | Celine Dion | Calido Hold | Cantus | Barnoness | Lamdaba Hol | Landjunker II | Wilma | 1991 Gret 16.1 Hanoverian Approved for: Hanoverian Stallion Performance Test (2004) Overall: 111.86 (8th out of 42 candidates) Jumping: 133.31 (1st) Dressage: 96.68 (17th) |