Rubinstein I died in June of 2000, at the age of fourteen. But thanks to the technology of frozen semen, you may still purchase semen from this brilliant sire. An accomplished dressage performer, he had 40 wins at Grand Prix level, was a member of the 1996 Olympic team, sired 89 state premium mares and 66 approved stallions. He was the sire of many top auction horses and Grand Prix winners. Rubenstein's dam, Antine, was a full sister to three-time Olympic competitor, Amon, and two-time Olympic champion, Ahlerich (rider: Reiner Klimke). Rubinstein's foals can be typified as being very correct and stylish with delicate faces, and an even better trot than their sire's. From his first foal crop, 16 colts received the premium of "stallion contender" and were awarded straight scores of IO. 0 points. They later lived up to the confidence of the inspectors by Rohdiamant's performance test win, wherein he scored 150.01 points. He also became Federal champion 5-year-old dressage horse, scored many dressage wins and was selected for the American Olympic team. Other sons of Rubinstein, Royal Diamond, Ratino H and Rubioso N continue to succeed in competition and the breeding shed. Noted Celle stallion, Rotspon, appears to be set to take up where his stellar sire left off. Rubinstein's offspring have set too many auction records to mention. Former federal trainer of the German dressage elite, Johann Kinnemann, said of him, ". . when we consider a stallion of the century, we refer to Rubinstein." | | Rosenkavalier | Romadour II | Romulus | Gunda | Diva | Dilettant | Axtelfe | Antine | Angelo xx | Oliveri xx | Antibes xx | Dodona | Donar | Mieze | 1986 black 16.3-hand Westphalian Approved for: Oldenburg, Hanoverian, Rheinlander, Westphalian Stallion Performance Test 1989, Adelheidsdorf Overall score 136.56 / 3rd of 66 Dressage score 134.91 / 5th Jumping score 124,82 / 4th | | | | |