Polansky is a son of the Trakehner performance test champion Kostolany, also a multiple show champion. The dam of Polansky is the keur sport dressage mare, Lonnevanck. She anchors the dressage construction of Polansky with the blood of her exquisite sire, Donnerhall. As a six year old she competed in Z2 dressage, proving she originates from the top dressage blood of Ulft and Roemer. The Grand Prix dressage stallion Winston (by Roemer) comes from the mother line of Polansky. Polansky was the convincing winner of the stallion competition of 2002. During the same year he also competed at the games at Hengelo succesfully. Polansky became dressage champion of the KWPN stallion competition 2001/2002. In the stallion competition of 2002/2003 he was first at both Hengelo and Weert. Polansky carries four generations of dressage blood in his pedigree. Polansky passes extreme movement to his progeny, a beautiful front, and a long neck. His progeny have a good rectangular model and are meeting expectations. |
Kostolany | Enrico Caruso | Mahagoni | Elchniederung | Falke | Falke | Karben | Lonnevanck keur, sport | Donnerhall | Donnerwetter | Ninette H | Fabonnevanck | Ulft keur | Bonnevanck ster | 1997 black 17.0-hand KWPN Approved for: KWPN Stallion Performance Test Walk: 6 Trot: 7.5 Canter: 8.5 Dressage Ability: 8 Technique: 4 Scope: 5 Jumping Ability: 4.5 |