Houston is a stallion with high index scores for exterior and movement and also is passing these tendencies along to his offspring. He has a sire index in dressage of 158. In 2002 two Houston sons were designated for approval at Ermelo. Sergio (Sam-Sam), Houston x Zandigo, provided a classic example of how a dressage horse must move, and became one of the top-priced horses of the Select Sale. dressuurpaard must move - became one of the sale by auction top press of the select Sale. Symphonie, Houston x Columbus, was the champion of the stallion performance testing in 2002, impressing with his beauty, charisma and excellent movement, and was highly praised by both the publice and the judges. |
Belisar | Saros xx, keur | Charlottown xx | Sayonara xx | Sinthia keur, pref, prest | Normand | Cieta pref | Ciola pref | Pion | Abgar xx, keur | Irma la Douche keur, pref, prest | Orlena | Papillon | Nienke ster | 1989 chestnut 16.1-1/2-hand KWPN Approved for: KWPN Stallion Performance Test Performance test: Walk: 8 Trot: 8.5 Canter: 8 Riding Test: 8.5 Jumping with Rider: 6 Free Jumping: 5 Field Test: 6.5 Character: 8 Behavior: 9 Training Report: 8 |