In both his sire and dam's pedigrees, Granturo has a background of outstanding Hanoverian Jumpers. His sire's line contains Graf Top, Graf Grannus and Grannus, all cornerstones of the Hanoverian G-bloodline. Graf Grannus was 2004 Stallion Of The Year and his sire Grannus was the producer of over seven Olympic horses, providing some of the driving force behind the 1992 Dutch win in Barcelona. His dam's sire Stakkato has been called one of the world's best show jumpers, scoring a 1998 record of 9.9 at the Bundeschampionate. Stakkato went on to claim both Grand Prix and Nations Cup awards. | | Graf Top | Graf Grannus | Grannus | Goldmaedel | Capries | Calypso II | Geri | Starlight | Stakkato | Spartan | Pia | Paola | Pilot | Gerona | 2005 Chestnut 16.2 hand Hanoverian Approved for: Hanoverian, Hanoverian Jumpers Stallion Performance Test 2008 Adelheidsdorf: Overall: 110.757, Dressage: 101.3, Jumping: 120.24 Breeder: Jürgen Hattebuhr Owner: Langestüt Celle | | | | |