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Katie Wenger


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Uldrik 457
Parentage Details
Sanne: is that once in a lifetime horse. She's one that little girls dream of, sweet, gentle, curious and playful with drop dead gorgeous looks. She is the epitome of the Friesian good nature, a true puppy dog personality. When we have visitors who want to ride our horses, she's the one we trust to take care of them. And with a pedigree to match. Her mother lines are truly hard to match with her mom having seven ster and one model offspring earning the remarkable title of STER PREFERENT PRESTATIE AAA!!!

Uldrik 457: a Friesian that needs no introduction. Multiple championships at the Stallion Show as well as a reserve champion. At his inspection he broke records with an 88 under saddle, 94 in dressage driving and 95.5 in show driving. Impressive ster mare percentage at 51% along with 1 model mare, 9 kroon mares, 10 ster geldings and 31 ster stallions, he passes on excellence in his offspring. Unfortunately Uldrik passed away in 2020 and there will be few future foals from this amazing horse. Don't miss your chance to own one of his last foals.

Additional Information
We expect Strider to mature to 16.2+ with an abundance amount of hair, animated movement and a pitch black coat that won't fade in the summer. He's a smart colt who easily picks up lessons and loves people.

Estimated Breeding values
Type: 108
Frame: 104
Feet & legs: 104
Walk: 103
Trot: 104
Canter: 101

Preference given to a show home that will keep him intact until his adult keuring. Available to ship after keuring in the Fall. Payment plans available. Don't miss your chance to own this special baby.

Pedigree Chart

Uldrik 457 Stb AAA Dries 421 Stb Sport Jasper 366 Stb Sport Pref
Hiltsje van Nes Model Pref
Eeke fan 'e Vesta Hoeve Star Tsjerk 328 Sport Pref
Ynschje Stb Pref
Sanne A. v/d Slothoeve Stb Maurits 437 Stb Sport Ulbert 390 Stb Sport
Wendy fân it Pompeblêd Ster Pref
Anneke v/d Roazebosk Stb Ster Pref Prest AAA Gradus 356 Stb
Amarens D. Stb Ster Prest

Foal Details

Katie Wenger
Sanne A. v/d Slothoeve
Dries 421 Stb
Maurits 437

Sellers Details

Farm: Warrior Ethos Farm

Name: Katie Wenger

City: Cooperstown, New York

Phone (mob): 6074342895

Phone: 6074348982
