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Don Vino (Archived)

Don Vino

Don Vino is a big-shaped, correct riding horse with a good frame. Both his sire and dam have passed on their best traits to this stallion, and he received above-average marks for all dressage disciplines. This suggests a high rate of prepotency for this stallion. Like the Champion stallion Don Frederico, the dam of this son of Donnerhall also by Consul. Don Vino is a correct, big framed, noble stallion with three very good basic gaits and a very good rideability. 

Donnerhall Donnerwetter Disput
Ninette Markus
SPS Consulin Consul Swazi xx
Wenzira Wenzel II
SPS Ginger

1997 chestnut 16.2-1/2-hand Hanoverian

Approved for: Hanoverian

Stallion Performance Test 2000, Adelheidsdorf: 

Overall score111.21 / 12th of 45

Dressage score 119.99 / 9th

Jumping score 94.56 / 25th

don vino don vino