Dominard, bred by Paul Schockemöhle, was sired by is a son of the
famous Domino, who brought forth a number of excellent jumping horses,
such as 1989 German equestrian championship finalists Mannheim Dream
Valley (second) and PS Dynastar (1e). Domino's sire, Domspatz, is
considered the most famous jumper progenitor of Germany and is via
Grafbound the father of the Goldfish II tribe of Hannover. Domspatz
brought forth more than 300 contest horses and his offspring have earned
more than DM 1,000,000. He's also father of the stallion Discus
who brought forth the remarkable Doreen La Silla (Jan Tops) and The
Natural, winner of the World Cup 1986 under Catherine Burdsal.
Dominard's dam is Persika H. Zij has succesfully jumped 1,50m
circuits and is through her grandfather, the Thoroughbred Perser,
an offspring of Abendfrieden, from the famous Fero xx. Dominard started
his career in 1995 in the international jumping contests with rider
Albert Voorn. Performance results: 1993--best four year old in Mechelan,
third jumping Antwerp five and six year olds, 14 times in the top 5 out
of 15. 1994-- winner championship Belgium six year olds in Gesves, winner
qualification round European championship Lanaken, winner Masters CSN
Wanroy, third international stallion contest CSIW Mechelen, 23 times in
top 3 during 1994. 1995--winner stallion contest BWP, first and second
CSO Goes & CSI Arnhem, winner 'Golden Mussel' in Goes, second
CSN Hoorn, fifth CSI Valkenswaard, finalist young horses in Lanaken,
sixth in qualification and fourth finale for seven and eight year olds
Germans Masters in Bremen and best stallion 9 CSI Stuttgart 95. 1996--(1)
CSI Den Bosch 96, (2) CSI Arhnhem 96, (6) CSI Twente 96, (5) CH Zwolle,
(8) CSN Darmstadt, (5) CH Wierden, (5) CH Blaricum, (2) CH Blaricum, (7)
CSF Den Haag, (3) CHIO Rotterdam, (3) CH Mierlo, (2) CH Mierlo. 1997--(8)
CSI Moorsele 97, (27) CSI 's Hertogenbosch, (8) CSI Helsingborg, (17)
CSIGothenborg, (1) CSI Millstreet1m50, (1)CSI Millstreet 1m60 tab
A/barrage, (1) CSI Kiel, (5)CSI Maastricht /1m50 Mecc Prijs, (7)CSI
Maastricht Table a/a to 1.45m, (4)CSI Maastricht Table A 1.50m,
(7)CSIMaastricht Table A up to 1.50m, (5)CSI Amsterdam/1m40, (3)CSI
Amsterdam/1m45 tab A/barrage, (1)CSI Mechelen / Masters 1.60m, (10)CSI
Mechelen /Saab-GP 1m50 Bar A. 1998--(1) CHI Hannover, (4) CSI-A
Moorsele (Bel) 1.50m class 7, (5) CSI-Brabant Ned tab A 1.50m, (3) CSI-Götenborg
Tab A 1.40m One round one jump off, 12)CSI-Götenborg Tab A 1.45m
Accumulator with Joker, (3) CSI-A Monte Carlo 98class 5, (1) CSI-A Monte
Carlo 98 Table A 2 phases,1.45m, (6) CSI-A Monte Carlo 98 Monaco Masters,
(6) CSI-A Monte Carlo 98 Grand prix de Monaco,1.50m. Dominard is highly
rated in the Oldenburger Studbook for his offspring. |