du Thot |
Banboula du Thot is an
exceptional Thoroughbred cross.
Many jumpers
have been produced from this lineage, such as Ti Panda, Julogine,
Arville and others. In
international competition Banboula du Thot was second in the Championship
of Belgium for Young Horses, six years of age, at Gesves in 1995.
In 1999, under Olive
Guillon, he had three victories and two second places in the Sun Shine Tour
in Spain, first in 1.6m and
sixth in the Derby at CHIO du la Baule, first in 1.6m and first in the
Progress to the CHIO of St-Gall, first in Derby, first of the Progress
and first in the Hunting at CHIO of Aix-la-Chapelle, third in the six
bars and sixth in the GP at the CSI - C du Blaye, fourth at the minor GP
and eighth at the GP at the CSI - B of Dinard, first of two tests at the
CHIO of Rotterdam.
2000: first d un bareme "La
grande Chasse" to CSI A Zurich, and CSIO of Baule, second in the
Grosse du Vendredi,, victor in the Derby and best horse of the Contests,
first in test "Hit & Hurry" at the CSIO of Lucerne (CH),
and the CSI - B of Dinard first at the Derby and eighth at the GP,
third at the GP at N1 du Barbizon, first at 1.6m
at the CSI - B du Moorsele (BEL), secnd in the "Knock
Out" & fifth dun barême A au chrono at the CSI –A du Kiel
(GER), second in the "Six
Bars" at the CSI – A du Caen, first in the "Chase dans selle"
at the CSI - W of Geneva. Banboula du Thot has been accepted into three
European registries based on his performance. If you are looking for a
hardcore competitor, consider him.